Woodsmith Mine – Ventilation systems
(Service & Production Shafts)
Project Background
Woodsmith Project has been called the biggest mining project in Britain in decades. Anglo American currently develops a Polyhalite mine in a sensitive local landscape, the North York National Park. To receive permission for mine development the company has to abide by strict environmental limits, which govern all activities during the construction phase.
To reduce the visual impact of the mine shaft the head frames will be sunk below ground and surface buildings will be kept to a minimum. The project area contains the largest, highest grade resource of Polyhalite worldwide. Once the mine is at full operation, a capacity of up to 20 million tons per annum is awaited.
Provide Mechanical solutions for the installation of ventilation (Supply & Extraction) systems critical to shaft sinking activities. The two main shafts at Woodsmith Project will be the deepest commercial mineshafts in the U.K. and Europe. The production shaft will reach a depth of 1594 meters, and the service shaft will reach 1565 meters, both with a diameter of 6.75 meters.