Health & Safety

The Managing Director of Salko UK Ltd has the prime responsibility for health safety and welfare. The company will comply with its common law and statutory obligations in relation to the health, safety and welfare of their employees, visitors, those working on behalf of the organisation and any other person that could be affected by the companies undertaking.

The Salko UK Ltd Management Team accept in full their responsibilities and aim to achieve the highest standards of health, safety, and welfare as a priority over operations and production.

The company have a commitment to maintain a workplace that is safe from risk of harm and so far as is reasonably practicable, avoid personal injury and accidents involving employees, visitors and those working on behalf of the organisation.

Salko UK Ltd will consult with employees and those conducting work behalf of the company on matters affecting their health and safety.

All Salko UK Ltd employees and those conducting work on behalf of the company have obligations under health and safety law to act responsibly, to prevent injury to themselves and others, and to co­operate with the company’s management team in all matters relating to health safety and welfare.

To achieve this policy Salko UK Ltd will aim to continually improve Health & Safety performance by monitoring, reviewing, and improving health and safety arrangements associated with all aspects of the companies undertaking. This will be achieved by setting realistic objectives and targets to further reduce the risk of harm. Primary focus will be directed in the following areas:

  • Comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and with other relevant health and safety legislation as set down by the regulatory authorities, exceeding them whenever possible.
  • Ensure the effective maintenance of a Health and Safety Management System (in accordance with ISO 45001:2018).
  • Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from the company’s work activities.
  • Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
  • Handle and use substances without risk of harm.
  • Provide adequate information, instruction, and supervision.
  • Review the training and competency of those conducting work for the company.
  • Continually monitor and review the company health and safety policies and safety management system to ensure that they remain effective.
  • Maintain a procedure for producing relevant risk assessments in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and associated legislation.
  • Assess existing and potential hazards arising from work related activities and implement suitable and sufficient control measures and safe systems of work to eliminate or reduce those risks to a tolerable level.
  • Monitor and inspect the workplace.
  • Request and provide information on emergency evacuation procedures, escape routes and assembly points.
  • Investigate accidents and incidents to a satisfactory conclusion.
  • Ensure pre-employment medicals and monitor the occupational health and welfare of those conducting work for the company.
  • Laisse and cooperate with customers and stakeholders to establish a safe place of work.
  • Encourage and consult with representatives of employee’s safety to promote their participation in improving health and safety standards in the workplace.
  • Provide appropriate PPE free of charge, as a last resort, when other controls cannot reduce the risk of harm to a tolerable level.
  • Ensure that sufficient resources are made available to implement this policy.


This Health and Safety Policy Statement will be reviewed annually.

Steve Mason 

Managing Director

1st January 2025

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